
Breakfast, they say, is the most important meal of the day. Accordingly, we place great importance on the quality and origin of the food we buy. But variety is also important here - we change the selection of cold cuts and cheese every day. Here is an overview:

  • The sausage is supplied by the Duisburg butcher Simon Berns. The butcher was also voted Butcher of the Year 2019 by Feinschmecker Magazine and that is no coincidence: They work with local farmers and the master butcher regularly experiments in his parlor to develop new recipes such as meat sausage with fresh strawberries and mint.
  • We get our baked goods from a small bakery around the corner from us. In our opinion, the best bread in Duisburg is baked here, and everything is still handmade. You can see and taste it. Unfortunately, as the bakery doesn't open until 5 a.m., we can't offer fresh rolls until shortly after that …
  • The apples and pears were harvested on the Lower Rhine. There is an organic apple orchard there that produces great fruit. The fruit may not always win a beauty prize - but it is definitely delicious and healthy!
  • The eggs come from a chicken farm on the Lower Rhine. That is where we get our organic eggs.

There is also muesli, cornflakes, Schwartau jam, Nutella, honey, sugar beet syrup (a Lower Rhine speciality!), butter, orange juice, milk, yoghurt, spreadable and cream cheese, Babybel cheese, Camembert, liver sausage, home-baked cakes, fresh grey and black bread and mineral water from the Rheinfelsquelle.

Of course, we also offer filter coffee, espresso or tea, the latter – depending on the season – in around 30 different varieties. Just ask which ones we currently have in stock or let yourself be surprised.

If you want to take some provisions with you for the journey, no problem. We have prepared sandwich bags for you in which you can pack something.

We serve breakfast directly at your table, with just a few small items arranged on a separate table. Of course, you can have as much of everything as you like - always fresh from the fridge and never stale.

Our breakfast times are Monday & Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. However, on Saturdays and Sundays we can only offer breakfast from 7:00 a.m. due to the bakery's later opening hours. We don't want to miss out on this quality at the weekend either.

If you have a food allergy, would like a vegan breakfast or are unable to eat certain foods due to your religion, please let us know before your arrival so that we can prepare accordingly.


We are regularly asked why we bring the sausage and cheese to the table, why the coffee pots are not full and why we do not serve hot meals. The reasons are as simple as they are straightforward: we practice active sustainability at a reasonable price. The food we serve you in the morning is expensive because of the rail transport. In our opinion, it is too expensive to put on a buffet that I have to throw away at 10 a.m. This saves a good 500 kg of cheese and sausage per year that would otherwise go in the bin.

A warm breakfast has two problems for us:
1.) We have to remodel our kitchen for food safety reasons, as we open eggs and therefore there is theoretically a risk of salmonella.

2.) We think that you have to make scrambled eggs in a pan with butter and some greens. This costs 3-4 organic eggs, time and therefore money. Our scrambled eggs would cost around €6-7. Chicken, bacon or sausages are not included in the price. Alternatively, we could heat liquid egg from battery cages in a Tetra Pak with a hot air system. It looks like scrambled eggs – but it isn't and tastes as bland as it sounds. You can quickly recognize this scrambled egg in a hotel when it is lying in warming basins like a cast concrete wall. You need a knife to cut some off.

Please don't be mad at us for focusing on quality rather than quantity here.

In the photos you can also see plastic packaging. Unfortunately, this is still a must at the moment. In autumn 2024, after renovating the rooms in January 2024, we will also remodel the breakfast room a bit and then switch to loose tea and jam and honey from the dispenser. Then also in organic quality, of course. It took a long time until we found a supplier who met our standards for jam and honey. The new buffet has been ordered and we hope that you will also love it.
