Apartment Sun

Our Apartment Sun correspond to the 3-star superior rating of the Hotel and Restaurant Association and have the following facilities:

  • The Sun apartment is 110 square meters
  • The bed measures 2 mx 2 m without foot end
  • Newly renovated bathroom with bathtub with shower function / toilet / hairdryer
  • Newly renovated rooms (2017 / 2018)
  • 65″ LCD TV in the living room and 55″ LCD TV in the bedroom. All with satellite TV and 35 channels
  • WLAN reception with a performance of 35 MBit
  • Information folder with information about restaurants and sightseeing tips
  • Walk-in wardrobe
  • Telephone
  • Large white leather couch
  • Nintendo Wii including games in the living room
  • Nintendo Wii including games in the living room
  • Fully equipped kitchen
  • guest toilet
  • LED light throughout the room
  • Our bedding is ÖKÖ-Tex certified and suitable for allergy sufferers
  • Large roof terrace with 60sqm including gas grill and seating area

You can book the apartment here
